Sunday, December 23, 2012


A PIO (Person of Indian Origin) card allows for visa-free travel to and from India. However, a PIO card is only valid for 15 years. Also, if your stay in India is going to exceed 180 days on any single visit you will need to register within 30 days of the expiry of 180 days with the concerned Foreigners Regional Registration Officer/Foreigners Registration Officer or local Police Authorities.  
Unlike a PIO, an OCI card has lifelong visa-free travel and does not require the holder to register with any office regardless of the length of their stay.  
A person is eligible for a PIO/OCI Card if they at any time held an Indian Passport or either of his/her parents, grandparents or great grandparents was born in and are/were permanent residents’ in India as defined in the Government of India Act, 1935 and other territories that became part of India thereafter provided neither was at any time a citizen of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka or other countries which may be specified by the Central Government from time to time. 
The PIO scheme is broad-based and includes up to four generations and also the foreign spouse of a citizen of India or a PIO/OCI card holder. OCI states that the spouse of the eligible person can apply for OCI only if they are eligible in their own capacity. Foreign Nationals, who are not eligible for an OCI, but married to someone who is eligible for an OCI, still cannot be granted an OCI. 
For other details / queries, drop a mail at

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


As per the latest instructions from Reserve Bank of India, w.e.f 01.04.2013 only CTS-2010 Features enabled cheques can be used and paid by the Banks (these instructions are applicable to all the Banks operating in India)

In light of the above, it is advisable to verify following features in your existing Cheque Book.

i)                         All CTS-2010 enabled cheques carry standardized watermark called “CTS-INDIA” which can be seen when you held Cheque against light.

ii)                       Bank Logo will be printed in ultra-violet ink. The logo will be captured or visible in ultra violet enabled scanners.

iii)                      All cheques should be issued with the account number field pre-printed.

iv)                     “VOID” Pantograph i.e. if Cheque is copied or scanned then “VOID” word will appear on photocopy or scanned image.

v)                     At Cheque tear of portion, Printer’s name along with printing “CTS-2010”, establishing CTS-2010 compliance. ( Most Important)

vi)                     Rupee Symbol is pre-printed

If your existing Cheque book is not having any or one of the above features then that Cheque is non CTS-2010 enable Cheque and can not be used after 31.03.2013

State bank is planning to issue CTS-2010 enabled cheques to all its customers by which will be delivered to customers registered address, however State Bank customers can also get CTS-2010 enabled cheques by using Internet banking facility through which they can apply fresh Cheque book and also instruct for delivery at their desired address

If Customer is not able to issue Cheque book by Internet Banking Facility then they can approach to their home Branch and home branch will issue the same from their end

For other details / queries, drop a mail at